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is there a way to chat with other players in multiplayer? If so, tell me what key it is to open chat.


There are no ways. Try pressing all the keys yourself.


i slayed a lot



This shit has a lot of fucking potential, please keep working on it, even with what little it has to offer it's got a LOT of stuff you can add to it and a LOT of things you can improve to make this experience something awesome if it goes the right direction. Keep it up!

(1 edit) (+1)

Night is just too dark dude (and it comes on way too fast, you should be able to travel between towns in a single day) like can we have a moon and stars to let us not run into the deadly deadly water, and how about a pause menu? It sucks to have to ctrl alt delete to quit the game. And could we get a link to the old singleplayer version?

Beyond that fun scary game, but I've found that staying on the coast kind of just let's you survive forever because tripods never go there. They should and they should fight the ironclads and artillerymen. Are the artillerymen even functional? Like I've only ever seen them stand motionless and you can't kill them and take their cannon so kinda pointless rn. And could you bring back the cylinders? Really I just want to play the old version I've seen videos of, this version was a regression if I'm being honest. And there's no win condition as far as I can tell, I've played through 10 days and nothing happens.

I don't mean to sound like a dick, you're doing god's work here. I got the feeling of being utterly helpless and terrified just like I did watch the 2005 movie as a kid, I just hope you can refine the game into something even better. 


Actually there are some howitzers scattered around towns, you can use them to kill the tripods. I find it very fun to be able to use them.


Nah I know, I mean the artillery men near the ironclads, they don't move and you can't take their cannons. I've never seen a tripod go anywhere near them so I can only assume they're completely functionless.

The howitzers are sick, I love that a good,  lucky shot can take down a tripod in one hit, but it's balanced because they're so difficult to aim. I just mean the npcs that never seem to move and also the ironclads I don't think shoot but they totally should.


they are functionless. But I found the artillery men near the ironclads and a tripod came of a hill towards me but the didn't shoot... The tripod didn't attack the people and I died

Keep in mind the guy is probably trying to work out a huge update to the game that addresses all of these issues. Games take time to make, but your statement about fear during the movie?

Couldn't agree more. 

My only thought is that the Tri-Pods aren't as massive as I imagined them to be lol


Yeah they could be bigger and more intimidating, but I like them, I liked the old ones more though 

I'm only saying I just wish he left links to the older versions too, I'd like to play both because they're different and both cool. But I was only listing my negatives, I suppose that wasn't very fair.


Hopefully the guy is because the game hasn't updated for 99 days.

(1 edit)

When do you think you are going to put the alien tripods in the game again?


Wait.. Where DID the havester tripods go??!!?

(1 edit)

He remove because of a bug but he said that it going get added back in a future update.

Oh ok


game is great just need some better textures :)


Maybe add a Martians Mode where you can be the Martians. Just a suggestion.




Can Im get a Version of game  october/november please?

Well while I wait I'll go eat a LOMITTO

Deleted 3 years ago



i cant download your game

It  is only available for windows do you have a windows computer?


make a version where you have split screend and it needs to work with controller

parece que la nueva actualizacion es muy grande por eso tarda tanto estoy re impaciente :L


Multiplayer is really broken When my  freind start a server Im join at a server AND He got crashed but im dont crashed and start play Can you Fix it?


learn english

Game before is being very better.....

siguo esperando la nueva actualisacion >:v

btw im reccomending to show how to play

The game crashes when you turn on a candle or a Chandelier

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

but ofc really good game i love it

is it only me or

i cant set fullscreen?


Alt Enter is the best way to do that for now

Thx man un helped me a lot

yo what happed to the discord 


I had absolutely no idea what to do but I loved every buggy second of it!


help me i have a problem,when meteor fall the game crash


This looks great. Words may have occurred.

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

Recommendation list for future update's: Xbox compadibility(make a special website so xbox players can play withought download) bug fixes, crash fixes, error fixes, large building can be two story, npcs do not spawn on line of veiw, texture update, distant tripod steps, slower transition from night to day, window's, red fog is not in the houses, crawl function, green light sprit from tripod only appears when tripod is in the distance, tripod idle's, tripod randomly will blast horn(horn1 is alert, horn2 is when release of blood) tripod's f leg animation will stop to the level of terrain,parts of a large building's can be destroyed by laser, npcs run or hide from tripod, weather, basement's can be found in small building's, attic's can be found in large building's. (( remember this is RECOMMENDED on my thought's ))


This is Basically WOTW (war of the worlds) only, it's pixel and cartoonish...


(1 edit) (+2)

Speaking as someone who was obsessed with the book as a kid there's some things this nails. Riding a horse down a country lane and seeing the silhouette of a Martian fighting machine emerge between the trees was 100% spot on. I think this game has potential.


YES! WOTW is my absolute favorite as well! And I am keeping my eye on this!


bug that happens to me: when the heat ray is fired, the game closes for me the same when I approach a recently crashed cylinder or when it falls but despite that your game is great 5 stars this game has potential


Same for me.


shut the fuck up noah

noah pls why don yu talk to me anymeor i don hav aeny frens but you efkucnig hat me... ;(


I recommend that for the next update you add shouts of people when a tripod enters a village
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