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Gelato, I hope you are alright. Please, take your time. If you are sick or busy with home stuff, or if something in your personal life is keeping you from updating, don't be afraid to take your time.



When you survive an invasion and get survival window, there is only "button" , which does nothing so I was forced to force close the game by alt+F4 as there is no other way to return back to main menu or to confirm the survival.


Nearly 80 days now, hope Gelato's alright.

Deleted 3 years ago

yep it does seem a little odd considering that he had started posting before going radio silent again. maybe he'll re-appear at some point. 


69 days, boys :trollge:


just gotta say, great game. made an account just to say this. one thing i noticed though is that version 0.5 is missing a lot of things from the update 0.2 video on youtube. i havent seen any handling machines, the fighting machines dont pick me up, and i cant seem to locate any military cannons, though i have seen smoke from them firing. i'm looking forward to version 0.6, and i really hope this becomes a full game. maybe the things missing is just because i escape on a boat before anything can happen, but its fine. an issue i have encountered is that the horses stay where they have been left, even in a new game. once i rode a horse to the docks and escaped, and then the next game it was still there. sorry for the long paragraph, just, thanks for making this game.


If you go near the cylinders, you can sometimes find the handling machines that spawn with them. The tripods do pick you up when they're in the collection stage, although you'll want to wait around 3 days in the 14 day survival mode to see this. Cannons also spawn, but simply as semi-random objects that fire at the tripods, I don't believe they actually do anything.

which build are handling machines in? are you referring to the tripods without guns

The current build, they're pretty buggy, and sometimes seem to not spawn (maybe fall out of the map), but they're there. Be careful though, as if they're not stuck on the terrain they'll move towards you, and kill you on contact. Just look around old cylinder crash sites, they don't stray too far from them. (You can find martians outside of machines around too.) When the virus kicks in all non-tripod martians instantly die, and the tripods die soon after thanks to the "sick" stage.


i have no idea why there hasn't been an update


It's been 50 days since the last update, everything okay?


Well Gelato posted 24 days ago as well, saying he was busy with work. He mentioned getting an update out soon, though, so I do hope he's alright.


This file doesn't include the rework of multi-player that actually includes multi-player plus add it to a file :&

(1 edit)

Found a older versions from someone else!

(2 edits) (+1)

Cant remember what this build is but I think is 0.4 but maybe not


which build is that

Looks like either build 0.4/0.41 or one of the unnamed "BUILD"s that build off of 0.2.

(1 edit)

i have a link that you can download this build

can i get the multiplayer build?


glitches i've experienced:

train drops me

horse does not move with train

train drops me and makes character turn along the z axis (like leaning but permanent)

the other cylinders won't cool down or open (maybe due to the change making the other cylinders not having people

random things make character turn along the z axis

the grey encased martians(?) get stuck on terrain

only fire can kill after the first few days

can clip through things, many things


Hey, could you maybe make the cylinder's heat ray not only lock onto the player when nearby if there are others there too


Nothing big, but the  harvester mode on the tripods is a little silly, because the base speed of the player going backwards is faster than the movement of the tripods, and  them having limited range makes them kind of pointless, so maybe a harpoon mechanic, or they call a flying machine over (maybe a fast handling machine in the future) because i sat for the last three days just walking backwards and taking screenshots of these tripods. Besides that i absolutely love the game, maybe make the tripods sound there horns a little more often, and those horns actually having meaning? like "help, im being attacked by the military" or "this guy is walking backwards and i can't reach him". thanks for your time and may there be no bugs in your coding! 

a question how can you get the most current builds because on youtube builds newer than 0.5 come out and how are those downloaded


So much fun, I love to see new updates.

Some input: I liked the inventory and survival mechanics, and I have a great memory of nailing a tripod with a cannon once in an older version, and I'd love to see that come back. I understand if these don't come back though, they weren't super important mechanics I suppose.

I think the AI for the humans and tripods are areas that could use development for sure. Mainly the Tripods using black smoke more, searching houses, maybe tracking the player better into houses to destroy them. I've found that just going into a house is almost always enough to survive. In general I've found the Tripods not very menacing after playing the game for a bit. I just feel like they don't search for humans very much. And as for humans, I'd just like to see more than the one text (not that they need tons of lines) and perhaps for them to hide inside or try to flee by train or towards trees. 

Also... can we finally have a moon? I mean some sort of ambient light at night, just enough to actually travel by. 

Tl:dr Amazing game, but I spend most sessions just hiding in a house until the tripods die. And its also really really easy to evacuate by boat. Like seriously I stand there on the docks, watching the Tripod slowly get closer. The ship comes in and the Tripod gets close, it's so tense will the boat get out in time? Then the Tripod just turns around and f***s off.

P.S If the boats can ever get sank, that would be absolutely epic.  


don't forget that the humans walk in the ground :/

(1 edit) (+4)

I'm so glad this game's development came back! I'm one more person that dreams since a kid of a War of the Worlds game, so that means so much for me :)

I'm anxious for interface updates, visual updates and sound updates

I don't know how possible is it, but we REALLY NEED the 2005 movie's tripod appearance and sound effects (city sirens, tripod horn, tripod walk, tripod beams)

And just a sugestion, i sugest a good investiment in the game's panic ambience mood. The game would be amazing if we could feel scaried by the ambience in sound - people screaming, bombs and bullets noises, echoing sirens, crows and birds screaming - and in visuals - dense blood steam, proppering fire smoke, dense bloody terraformation (like in the movie), people running, army battle scenes.

I don't know how hard and important is that, but i would be surprised if there were Tripod House Searching actions, like in Harlan Ogilvy's house scenes. I don't think the game needs phisical aliens, but i would enjoy the "camera tentacles" and "person-capture tentacles", but i understand how far does that go and maybe impossible for such device.

Anyway, i know you all probably have a long way to go, and that some of the desired things can't be fully reached, so i'm here cheering for the best :)

Love your project! - Yes, as you can figure it out, i'm a 2005 version's fan


This game is based on the book, hence the steam engine and horses, so modern-day setting stuff would be rather out of place. There's actually already physical aliens in the game, you can see the martians near their cylinders, along with a few in the cylinder after it opens.


It is based on the original book and not the 2005 movie so I think Gelato wants to stick to that, but I do like your ideas with different scenes and ambience


I 10000000% agree with tripods searching houses. I feel like that would add so much to the horror, like hiding from a probe would be so much cooler than just hiding in a house and crossing your fingers that it doesn't get vaporized... not saying the tripods shouldn't destroy buildings of course.  The ambiance and sounds of the cities could use work yes, horses and rabble, warning sirens, train noises... and nature ambiance too  would be awesome. Imagine walking through the woods hearing crickets and birds only to have them fall silent as the whir and stomping of a tripod approaches.

And I love the 2005 movie, the design of the tripods is flawless and the horn still makes me shudder. However I think the tripods and their sounds in this game is excellent. 

Game keeps crashing

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Just a small update, not big enough for a devlog, but I got some free time and will be trying to get a new update out in the next couple of days, thank you guys for the patience. I didn't forget about ya <3


please respond how do you control artillery?

it would be cool if you could do a tutriol on how to make tripod/fighting machines ai the reason i say this is because i want to learn uninty but theres no tripod ai tutriol

can you help me play the game


Glad to see this game back in development, game has a lot of potential. By the way, sorry about all the stupid stuff me and a bunch of other people did on the old discord server.


As one of the people who moderated that shit, I can safely say you were not the issue.


Hey Gelato, I made this account entirely to ask you a question. I've loved every version of your game, and I love the way this game is going, but I was wondering if you still had the older beta versions of the game. I want to archive them, as I think it would still be cool to play the other versions as a sort of timeline, to see how the game has improved and changed. I haven't been able to find the older versions of the game anywhere, and while I have tried archiving some of the older versions, but the oldest version I have managed to archive is the Multiplayer beta. If you could provide any of the older versions of the game, that would be really cool! If you can't that's also fine. I just thought keeping all the versions together in one place could be a fun idea.


I second this, it'd be nice to have the older versions available, considering how different they were.



Woah, dude. Thanks a million!


theres no sound in 0.5 (fix) but there was in 0.5 why?

there is sound

well there's not a lot of sound


You have to turn the whole volume in the In-game settings down, and then up, that will fix it.

oh... thanks!

Kinda getting concerned over the silence in production. Please don't leave us hanging again! Please give out an update soon :)

yeah it has been 20 days


Been busy with work, ill try to get a small update out sometime soon

thanks pal, keep up the good work :) 

awesome, thanks for informing me :)

Really Good, Keep workin on this!

(1 edit) (+1)

In the game add a resolution of 3440 x 1440, because that's my resolution.


Today I did some testing on the current 0.5 (FIX) version. 

I started a game and didn't move the my game character at all apart from turning to look at the point where the first cylinder landed.

I watched the tripod spawn and start using their heat rays all around, or discharging the black dust here and there. Night fell again and they continued to wonder around do what tripods do best. Another cylinder arrived and night became day. More tripods, more heat rays and dust. all good so far.

This continued for several more days with the tripods paying my character little interest. On day 5 a tripod wondered towards me, walking directly at the point my character was standing ... and then continued on its way without so much as  a lick of heat ray or a stomp from one of its legs. 

This happened a couple of times before one finally took notice and boom I was incinerated.

I then did this again in a new game.  Spawned into one of the big cities, right by a train station. Over the course of several days the odd tripod came past and ignored me. At one point a tripod seemed to get stuck next to me going around in circles as if it knew I was there but simply couldn't find me. At that point I ran away from the tripod. I looked back after about a minute of running and the tripod had moved on. 

Other games I started I would get killed by the first tripod on within minutes of it spawning as I guess I was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I also got captured a couple of times in the game and dumped next to a cylinder. I was expecting a handling machine to rock up and chase me but none every appeared. I was free to run away and try and hide from the tripods again. 

Based on the testing it seems that the Tripods search process is linked to player movement? If the player runs around the tripods can detect them and if they don't move at all (at the very start of the game) then it's like the player is just a spectator in the game. 

Incidentally, it would be great if you could code in a spectator mode. Allow the player to watch the invasion unfold without the player getting killed. Also be cool to have the player be able to move around the game world as if they were a camera view port and not a  player so they could move left/right/up/down any time they wished. 


add a mode where you can play as a tripod and add peasant's wandering through the forest, villagers running away, and a weather system with rain. and add spreading red weed, so far it only spreads around the cilinder


in older versions there was a weather system so yeah I would like it to be added back

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could you please make it so there's a way to change the models of the tripod with out changing the version? (I liked the first model a lot)

Due to how the tripods are set up, that would be immensely difficult. It'd be neat to see the tripods modified to be a bit closer to that original design, though, it was really cool. (But the current design is more book accurate, I think)


They look nothing like the original tripods


fun fact: if you press shift + p in the menu, you get to see the new buildings

add, splitscreen because i want to play it with my sister and add controller support


Well, here is my (Failed) attempt to beat this game on the hardest difficulty!

My tip for it is at the beginning of this video!

P.S. I have no idea how I managed to break this game.



what version was that video in

como puedo ver la versiones del juego


I too have glitched when getting on the train. In fact I got stuck within the train model and couldn't get out (0.5-FIX)

I've seen mention of Unity being used for this project, is that correct? There seems to be some comments suggesting this is built using minecraft but I guess that is incorrect?

It would be great to see a roadmap of what you are planning to add to/update within the game. Also in terms of textures are you planning on updating the placeholders for the buildings, people etc or are you going for this look as a design choice? Personally I like it just as it is :) 

Anyway, I've been following your project via the video's on youtube and finally found my way here and download the game. Appreciate that this is a work in progress but you have nailed the atmosphere! it's brilliant!! 

(2 edits) (+1)

Check his development logs. They have a roadmap and show off improved building models.


that's good news, thanks for the heads up :) 


Yes, this is made in Unity, the game files contain the usual Unity file format.


Thank you !!

(1 edit) (+2)

I've noticed in the latest release (0.5 (FIX)) that people seem to stop spawning in towns. This might be related to the change that stops people from spawning at cylinders after the first.


I've also been glitching off the train every time I try to use it, which didn't seem happen in the non-FIX version.

«The chances of anything coming From Mars are a million to one», he said «The chances of anything coming From Mars are a million to one, but still they come!"


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